Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Children's Day Long Weekend: Nathan rides a pony and Elliot's out of the crib!

Yesterday was Children's Day in Korea, a national holiday. It used to be Boys' Day until about 30 years ago, when they changed it over. So hard to imagine a "Boys' Day" in Canada... ever! There is a lot of family visiting, and outings to kids' places. We kept it really quiet here, even though there was a really fun event at the big beach, we were pretty tired from our holiday in Seoul.
We went to the Gustav Klimt exhibit, didn't make it to the foriegn foods store in Itaewon (it opened so late in the day, we just went ahead to the next stop), Everland Amusement Park, and Caribbean Bay waterpark beside it.
The Klimt art exhibit was okay, not exactly what we expected, but I was still glad we went, for sure. There were 2 paintings we hadn't seen before that I really appreciated. One was a large portrait of a woman that was just mind-bogglingly life like... the jewellery, her dress... it was so real!
The boys were so good travelling and sleeping, and had lots of fun. We did some kids' rides and the Safari animal section at Everland, checking out polar bears, monkeys and some cool birds.
Ah, Nathan had his first pony ride!!! He loved it! We'll have to get that picture up soon!
Of course both boys loved swimming at the waterpark, and Ben and Elliot spent lots of time in the health (funny stuff in the water sometimes) whirlpools. Nathan could have spent a whole afternoon on the kids' slides, and Ben got in a crazy Boomerang Water Ride he said was pretty scary!
Definitely some big news from our trip is that Elliot's in a big boy bed now! Yay! We (ahem, Ben) toted the Pack'n'Play around for all our long weekend travels (busses, subways, 2 hotels...) but there was never room to set it up as we had an extra bed for Nathan in our hotel rooms. So Elliot just slept on regular beds/sofas pushed up against something so he wouldn't fall off. It worked great, no problems at all. It was a good time to transistion I guess as he was completely exhausted come bedtime (he did great all weekend though, considering he didn't get any naps!). So when we came home late last night we pulled out the floor mattress (like Nathan's, Mom and Dad Butler) we had bought when it was on sale, just in case, and put him on it. He even napped there this afternoon, and is falling asleep right now, no banging on the door or anything! Yay!
Well, that makes travelling so much easier! Good for big boy Elliot!