Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Updates from the boys

Well, first of all, Ben is doing a fantastic job with the boys at home. He's got Elliot going down for naps so easily, it translated to when I put him down at night without me even trying. Elliot doesn't even WANT me to hold him and rock him while I sing the bedtime songs and pray, he'd rather be settling down in the crib. Well, okay! There's lots of other time for snuggles! And he and Nathan do lots of fun things while Elliot's napping, and if we could just find some more English workbooks, I'm pretty sure Ben would have Nathan writing the whole alphabet by now.
A healthy dinner's pretty much always waiting for me when I get home, which I find extra impressive because Ben can't get it ready the night before, since he's working. I find it impossible to cook dinner during the day when the boys are around, but Ben does it every day. So for all of you (sometimes including Ben himself!) who liked to tease about Ben being at home, he is, of course, doing great!
So about those super sweet Little Butler Boys...
Nathan was singing us a Korean song from daycare yesterday at dinner! With actions! Of course, nobody knew what he meant (himself included) but who cares! Yea!
Nathan is also really impressing me with his "reading" lately. I know it's really that he's memorized the books, and also the language patterns and associations, but you can point to the words in a really long sentence, and he will "read" it to you! It's so much fun and you can tell he feels a lot of accomplishment and knows you're excited and proud of him.
Last night Nathan lived out that wretched childhood experience I think we all remember vividly: the you-can't-leave-the-table-until-you've-eaten-your-dinner All Night Your Brother Is Having Lots of Fun But You Are Missing Out HURRY UP AND EAT Saga. I remember that (well, my brother and I were both stuck at the table, but still)! So awful! But there comes a time. Really, so painful for all involved. But you know there's room in that tummy if dessert were to appear!
It is so amazing, and such a challenge, how quickly children forgive and forget though. Like, 15 minutes after Nathan finally finishes and leaves the table, is he upset or complaining about the ordeal? Nope. Back to happy loving Nathan boy! And Nathan WILL tell us when we've "really hurt his feelings" (translation: disciplined him by a time out, or saying he can't have something, etc.). I know this is how we are to forgive each other as Christians, and how God has forgiven us through Jesus.
Nathan's other challenge lately is that he wants to wear his favourite "race car shirt" and any pair of shorts every day. It is too cold for shorts, they are packed away. Mommy was really hoping for out of sight, out of mind, on this one, but no. And, you know, the race car shirt tends to get dirty after a day or two, but little Nathan doesn't care! EVERY DAY...! What persistance! He'll need to use that with his top-notch negotiation skills to be a lawyer one day (or whatever!).
Elliot continues to be a Ball Boy. He's gotten pretty good at kicking and will kick and chase a soccer ball all around a field really well for a loooong time. Just taught himself. He's a natural. Not that I want to see half-naked billboards of my adult son advertising cologne or anything, but watch out David Beckham!!
Ha! Elliot was definitely saying a korean word yesterday, one that we can for sure take credit for: "Chi Chi" It means, "Dirty, don't touch!" as in, litter, dirty rocks, food bits from dinner and even gross gum that a little boy might try and pick up from the floor or ground. All day yesterday: Chi chi! Chi chi! I think he was hyperextending it to anything he wasn't supposed to do.
Elliot's new thing this past week is that he LOVES Nathan. He is always after Nathan trying to give him hugs and kisses. Which is extra sweet because he just slowly (but VERY deliberately) toddles over, bends down with his lips puckered and plants one on in slow motion. And he gives Nathan hugs too. He gets very concerned when Nathan is on a time-out: he notices Nathan's not around -- or hears Nathan from his time-out spot-- and goes to see him, even trying to open a door. "Nay nay? Nay nay..!" Then he gives time-out Nathan some hugs and kisses. Or, he loves to give Nathan stuffed animals to snuggle or books to read or toys to play with while he's on time out. (not allowed, but what can you do?). Now, Nathan has yet to really appreciate these hugs and kisses, although he will always take a plaything while he's on time out...!
Our boys are soooo loving!
This weekend I think we will go to Homeplus in Samcheok city. A much bigger and nicer department/grocery store. We heard they have a big supervised play area where you leave your kids! Yea!!! Our friends kids didn't want to leave!!! Reminds me of going to IKEA in Toronto so you can have 10 minutes of dessert/coffee with your spouse while the kids play after dinner. Or McDonald's, same thing (maybe with the ladies at lunch, those were the days!!).

1 comment:

Supplying Needs said...

Hey Kim that was great. Joel and I love your updates. It will be so good to keep up with you on the blog and facebook. We have the best of both worlds.

We love you very much and look forward to what GOd has for you guys.

Oh Joel just looked up the scripture in Ephesians. Good first one to teach your son. Hehehe.
WE Love you guys!!!!