Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2nd Semester and Korean Cooking

Teaching's going well. I have the 1st and 2nd grade like last semester, which I
really like. They're all pretty darn cute.
We opened an English Zone this semester at our school, it's a bit of a trend. Usually the kids stay in their room (except for music, home ec., etc.) and the teachers move, but the E.Z. is a special classroom where the kids come to us, and they spend tons of money loading it will all the best technology and English language posters, etc., to encourage the kids and help them learn English. Koreans are very serious about school in general, and definitely spending money to learn English. So we have a nice classroom! Instead of a chalkboard we have 2 whiteboards, and a massive touch screen HDTV television. That's pretty fun., It has a program called "TwinPen" that allows you to use the TV like a chalkboard, but a really fancy one. I'm doing that this week a bit. The kids get excited and I feel cool. =).
We are showing english movies at lunch and in the morning to get the kids exposed to more english, in an INTERESTING way, and I think it's a huge success. Especially at lunch, there's about 35 kids at any one time in the room (some come and go), and they're really interested in the movie. We've been showing the Jurassic Parks so far. (That was my movie choice. Hee hee.). We have lots of new English books (sports, science, Ripley's believe it or not, Spongebob, lots of comics, easy reading chapter books) set out and more and more the kids are picking them up and looking through them and reading them while they're in the classroom, or between classes. That's awesome! Good, fun, english practice. I’m pretty excited about it.
I have been cooking  a lot more Korean food the past couple of weeks. A couple of really tasty dishes, some okay, and one or two not good. I messed up one, blech. I will try that one again! Otherwise I've really been enjoying it-- beautiful colours, great flavours, and it's not too crazy but it feels exotic. Sesame, soy, ginger, hot peppers, garlic... mmmm....
Some good ones were a Pancake (koreans love pancakes, but they're often savoury vegetable pancakes, as opposed to "flapjacks" or "hotcakes") with mashed white Korean sweet potato and chopped green onions with a soya sauced based dipping sauce, the boys and I loved that one; and a Fried Potatoes with Red Pepper, sesame seeds and green onion, and a Mushroom Medley stirfry with Zucchini and Tofu and ginger that was incredible. So tasty.
No crazy fish or seafood at our house. And No Seaweed!!!! Yuuuuuuuuuck! Except the crispy thin salty sheets that Nathan likes. But otherwise, no no no. Blech. Yes, I know it's good for you. No thanks. Ugh. Can you tell how I feel about seaweed?


rab said...

Bulgobi - yay!!! Kimchi - not so yay. Movies at school? Sounds fun. Carolyn and I often recall watching "The Chef" with fond memories and have told others how much we enjoyed it. Good choice!

rab said...

That should have been bulgogi. I'm not sure what bulgobi is. Maybe some kind of seaweed dish.

Supplying Needs said...

THanks kim for the update!!! It is really great to know how the Korean Butlers are doing these days!!
Love you lots,
The Butlers on the other side of the world