Friday, April 17, 2009

The Future!

I think it's in the 20's again today! Sooooooooo sunny and really beautiful flowers EVERYWHERE. I think today, in Korea, is almost the ideal summer day in Canada (you might want it warmer if you were swimming, but that's all). Which is partly to say, in YOUR summer back home, we will be experiencing another set of weather (super humid/rainy).
But today is GREAT! Don't have to turn on the a/c, but, the clothes are drying on the balcony in just a few hours!

Time is speeding by. Last night Ben and I were talking about things we were looking forward to in Canada--- presuming we will be in Kingston: lots of time with family, restaurants we're looking forward to (Lone Star topped the list for Ben, though I love their free nachos!, Greco's, some little place by the market with great bread and balsamic dip, the mostly Japanese Korean restaurant I like, Indian food!), parks, the market, the lakeshore... spending more than 30 mins. together every day when Ben's working a normal 9-5 again... Family babysitting the boys.... more family babysitting the boys.... still more family babysitting the boys (hey, we've got a LOT of Ben & Kim relationship time to catch up on!).

It's amazing how little direction we still feel about our future. It sure seems like in so many ways I should become a teacher/go to Teacher's College (after my year at home when we get back, hopefully, hopefully!!!), but I just do NOT see myself as a full-time career teacher in Canada. I LOVE teaching here, LOVE IT, so why not...? Sometimes I feel better about it if I really focus on my desire to adopt, and think about that as a ministry, but otherwise teaching at some generic public/high school in Canada seems a little... flat? Lacking *special*-ness? Lacking some degree of meaningfulness?. (OF COURSE I do not in ANY way think teaching is meaningless. It is very very important. It just doesn't seem to have the right meaning for me yet...).

And we're leaning a little back to feeling a bit uncertain about buying a house.

Anyway, it's ok. I hope it's not too difficult for our loved ones that we can't say what we're doing long term!!
We don't know what's ahead, but I am looking forward to it! God has taken such amazing care of us, we are so blessed, and I just feel like God's got a great plan, a GREAT one that will be so awesome for our little family!

Stay tuned!

PS-- Ben got in some basketball this week and is up for trying to do it regularly again. His ankle's a bit tender, but it's great for him to get into it again.

1 comment:

themacgyver said...

Oh,Kim, isn't the future just that way? Always so hoped for yet uncertain. I'm glad you know the only certainty is that God has it worked out!! I hope the answers become clearer as the end of your time there grows closer. Of course, it would be lovely to have you close to home, whatever you end up doing. Lots of love...