Thursday, October 23, 2008

Love your enemies

Ok, so I've been telling Nathan forever 1) not to to hit, blah, blah blah and 2) if someone (like your brother) hits you, don't hit back! You can be nice to them, etc., and then maybe they'll learn to be nice too. Like Jesus said in the Bible to love your enemies.
So yesterday Nathan was giving me the daily "and I didn't even hit anybody at daycare today Mom!" update, and he says "but somebody hit me right here (his chin). But I didn't even cry." "No, Nathan? That's good. What did you do?" And he says, first he cried "wah wah" not too serious, and then he says "and then, when he hit me, I didn't hit him. I gave him a hug."
What?!!! Wow! So, I didn't really believe him, this is a little too advanced. But I pretended I believed him and was really really proud.
But later I told Ben this story and he said, "Oh, maybe that's what the teachers were trying to tell me. They said something about hitting and being really really impressed with Nathan today!"
Wow! He did it! My little boy hugged the boy who hit him.
So I went back and gave my boy lots of hugs and I'm proud of you's.
PS- Nathan likes to say "..., huh?" at the end of everything now. It's pretty cute.
"Yeah mom, because it's fun to go to the park, hunh?"


Joel & Dess said...

Hey Kim,

THat is soooooooooooo cool. Teaching your kids about Jesus sounds like so much fun. What a blessing the Lord has given you. I think next time I do something that Jesus has been trying to teach me and I actually do it I will tell him it instead of just knowing in my head he knows. Because a parent likes to interact with their kids like that.

Thanks for the update Kim it is great to know what is going on in your world!!!
WE love you!!!

Lil said...

*BIG knowing mommy grin* i love it when our children reflect what we've taught them...and ultimately when they follow their now more blessed hearts...


Cheryl said...

Hey Kim:
We have the same dialogue going on right now with Eva and sometimes it feels like nothing is ever going to change! Reading your note shows that perseverance and consistency might actually work! Thanks for sharing, love ya!!!