Sunday, December 14, 2008

Korean Ice Cream

We were discussing all things Korea tonight with Tania and Marius Van Niekerk and was reminded of when we went to the Baskin Robbins in town a month ago. We got sundaes that were supposed to have strawberries on top.
They were out of strawberries.
No problem! They've got cherry... TOMATOES!!
Yes, folks, they honest-to-goodness had a cut-up dish of cherry tomatoes to use instead of that other, completely interchangeble red fruit, strawberries.
Thankfully we got to the end of the sundae assembly line just in time to say, No thanks.
The Culture Lesson here is, in Korea, Cherry Tomatoes exploit their true identity as a fruit to the fullest and appear in all kinds of fruity places, like fruit trays and ice cream parfaits.

Flavours you will find in Korea, because Koreans use "sweet" vegetables (and legumes like the Why-Use-Chocolate-When-You've-Got-Red-Bean) to flavour all their "sweet" desserts:

Sweet Corn Ice Cream
Sweet Potato Ice Cream
Squash/Pumpkin Ice Cream
Red Bean Ice Cream
OH, AND we just found out in the frozen dairy treat section of your convenience store, you can also find...
YES, PORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OINK, OINK, PORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, the corn is okay, the pumpkin is completely awful.
I would rather starve than try the pork.

Interesting, eh?

1 comment:

rab said...

I hope you're not trying to put us off coming for a visit! You know how adventuresome I am with my eating. Not.