Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A LOT of Random Thoughts... About a Month's Worth! AND, I finally figured out how to include links to other sites! Good ol' Help Menu.

Where to begin? Feels like every other day I think of something to remember for the blog, but I can't access the blog at work (is that some kind of don't blog at work block? Who knows, the access denied screen is very much in Korean!).
So here goes...

Well, as of last night we are leaning strongly towards coming home after just a year, instead of two (ok, but, only God knows!). The biggest practical reason is Ben's work schedule is not really sustainable in terms of sleep. Since Daylight Savings Time kicked in, the office is 14 hours behind, so they don't get in, at best, until 11pm here. Is it fair to expect them to be done with Ben's design and programming by, like, 11 am their time? Not really, though they don't complain. It's just harder for Ben to get to bed at a good time, and to really get enough sleep in the morning. Just to clarify, as Ben did, we're REALLY thankful that Ben can work for VIBE this year, it's super super helpful, and should be helpful next year too, as hopefully he'll work for them full-time from a home office in Kingston...

Thinking of maybe being in Canada next year, we are having normal parent disbelief that our first-born should start Junior Kindergarten this coming Fall. Yikes! Time flies, eh? Wow. I said to my friend Maria on Facebook today that I would love to be a fly on the wall at my kids' school, just to see how cute and sweet they are... big boys... at school! I also think maybe JK is a good idea for Nathan. He obviously CAN sit still for an enormously long time, and is Super Smart (hee hee) and a fantastic reader, but I think JK would be pretty helpful for him to really learn to Listen to His Teachers (not a strength) and participate when he's supposed to, like for circle time and stuff. Before he hits Kindergarten, grade 1. Ok, I know he's only 3 but this might need a lot of work! I was also thinking today that our current daycare, that is totally a provision from God, is just not big enough for me to feel good about our boys being there for 2 years. A kid might go a little batty.

Another reason to come back is that we miss all those in person strong relationships and support systems, sounding boards, hugs... hugs.... hugs! Ok, maybe that's just me with the hugs. I really miss hugs. An EPIK teacher at another school in town put on FB this week "could really use a good hug after that awful class" and I was like, I know sister! I hear you! Girlfriend hugs, family hugs, the kind where you don't have to say anything... missing the hugs. They're so helpful. Stop right now and hug somebody! Unfortunately in aiming to head back to Kingston for a rare time where Ben can have a big-city design job AND we can be close to family, we are choosing NOT to be back in the middle of our awesome in-person housechurch and friends community. Hint, hint, move to Kingston, dudes!

Hey, speaking of friends, Rebekah sent us Hello video clips from (most of) the gang at Housechurch recently. Awesome! I recommend this as a really special thing to do for people you know who are away from home... like us... anytime, as many times as you want... Hopefully I will get my act together and put some video hellos together for you all. It's great.

Well, honestly, I'm a complete dunce and it JUST sunk in that besides all the free babysitting and meals (ha ha ha) moving to Kingston will mean we have a chance to, really, strengthen our bonds with all our family there after living far away for a long long time. Really share more of our lives together, understand each other more, TALK more! That's pretty special -- you know I mean that 'cuz it's me writing, not Ben. =)

So, ha ha, just when I dared say to someone today, "sure we'll be there, because it's almost impossible for either of our kids to get sick again for a long time," Elliot started throwing up again today!!!!! To quote the wonderful Ms. Valerie Stacey (ironically also in reference to her offspring getting sick again:
Oh dear. What can you do. Bad kimchi? =) At least he's just extra tired, as opposed to really super cranky as per the last 2 teething weeks. Still oh, oh, oh-so-cute though!!!

In happier news, as people on Facebook might know, we are seriously pursuing a week long vacation at an all-inclusive in Bali,Indonesia. Wow! Who in the entire world could have imagined this Butler family at a tropical island all-inclusive? Not me! Ever! Yee haw! We'll keep you posted. The big reasons are: it's a lot cheaper to do it from here than from Canada. And 2) for a small blip in our lives, we are actually a double-income family! Ka-ching! Hello, vacation! Better go while we can! (Ok, and yes, there are other more fiscally responsible things we could do while we're a double-income family. We'll do those too. I hope...). In my mind, it can also be considered a Cultural Experience. Ha ha! Sounds so noble!!
Ok, is this the longest post ever yet? If not, check out Part 2!!


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