Monday, December 22, 2008

Nathan naps!!!

Nathan is actually napping right now with being sick! He's been off and on sick for at least a month (no exagerration, we've had it all, twice!!), but he's just now starting to get extra rest. Thank the Lord, truly, truly.

No joke, he has just had his, like, 3rd, 4th and 5th naps of the year 2008. He is just not a napper, even when he's really sick. It is really just a gift of God that he is actually getting some naps right now, and I'm so thankful as I believe sleep is about the best cure for illness.

For those of you who know my non=napping son, and his I'm-20-months-old-and-my-baby-brother-is-about-to-be-born-I-think-I'll-Stop-Napping-Now history, you can appreciate how rare and wonderful these few days of napping are! Oh, so this is what two napping kids feels like!!!

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