Monday, December 22, 2008

Food I'm glad they have here, an ongoing list!

-I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! (Ben!)

-Cheese! (Well, it's kind of cheese. Our Seoul-Shopping friends get us more sometimes)

-Daejang Chige (Ben)


-Buckwheat and Earl Grey Tea!

-Spinach! And, that yummy cooked spinach, sesame seed and rice vinegar salad we have sometimes at school.

-White potatoes, though we don't eat them enough at home.


-The best tofu ever, made on-site Soft Korean tofu in Gangneung city. "Son Dubu Kuk" Soft tofu soup, that stuff rocked. If I was single I'd go to Gangneung just to eat it. Mmm.

-Bean sprouts.


-Yogurt (especially when the boys are sick, what a lifesaver!)

-Peanut Butter! Thank heavens!!!

-macaroni, and spaghetti sauce.

-Thai and Indian sauce/spice mixes. Thanks friends who get them in Seoul for us!!

-Bulgogi, and anything else wrapped in lettuce with rice. What a good idea!!! Way to go, Korea!! Brilliant!

-Thin, crispy, salty sheets of "laver" What is laver? Why not just say seaweed? One reason: Nathan likes it and I think it's good for you! Also, the only tolerable way to eat seaweed. Not dried, tastes good as a kimbap wrap.


-Bibimbap, without the meat or raw egg, which is easy enough to do.

-Those tasty street pancakes with the bit of syrupy sugar and various seeds inside, that the boys love (Good job Ben!). Definitely have to share those with the Butlers when they come.

-Corn on the cob, a local, seasonal special. It's done now, but the boys, especailly Elliot, loved it!

-Cereal. Good ol' fortified cereal, the parents-of-toddlers' nutritional lifesaver. Phew! Boy, we have about 53 more kinds of cereal at our tiny Port Credit No Frills than we do here in Donghae, but I am very thankful for what we've got!!!!


rab said...

Thank you God for tasty street pancakes and cereal. I might just survive this trip after all.

Unknown said...

That sounds yummy...

Happy blogging,

Toddler Nutrition